HLA Antigens In Childhood MS

Article in Russian

Efimenko VN, Evtushenko SK, Khodakovskii AV
Lik Sprava 1998 Aug;(6):67-9

PMID# 9844877; UI# 99060867

A phenotyping was performed on HLA systems in 14 children with documented Multiple Sclerosis (MS), 20 children with Possible MS, and 42 of their near relations.

HLA-B12 Antigen was recorded with high frequency (RR = 6.29; P < 0.025) while HLA-B18 was low (P < 0.01), as compared to normal subjects, both among patients in the general group and in those with proven MS.

The latter showed a tendency towards increased frequency with HLA-B7. Children with significant MS, where there was an association in the phenotype of HLA-B12 or HLA-B7 and HLA-A3, predominantly ran an aggravating course - while their association with HLA-A2 resulted in a more Benign course.

The results obtained in respect to HLA Antigens in children with MS, differs from those of other authors on MS in adults.

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