I have heard that in ancient times
human beings lived
to the age of a hundred.
In our time,
we are exhausted
at the age of fifty.
Is this because of
changes in the circumstances,
or is it the fault of
4500 B.C. |
Part One:
Understanding Depression
In this part, we answer the basic
questions about depression: What is depression? What causes it? How does
one get it? How is it healed?
One: You Are Not Alone
If you or someone you know is depressed,
you are not alone.
That's something of an
One in twenty Americans currently
suffers from a depression severe enough to require medical treatment.
One person in five will have
a depression at some time in his or her life.
Depression in its various forms
(insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, stress, vague aches and pains, etc.) is the
most common complaint heard in doctors' offices.
Two percent of all children and
five percent of all adolescents suffer from depression.
More than twice as many women
are currently being treated for depression than men. (It is not known whether
this is because women are more likely to be depressed, or whether men tend
to deny their depression.)
People over sixty-five are four
times more likely to suffer depression than the rest of the population.
Depression is the #1 public health
problem in this country.
Depression is an epidemic an
epidemic on the rise.
am now experiencing myself
all the things that
as a third party
I have witnessed going on
in my patients--
days when
I slink about
If You Need It, Get Help at Once
If you think you need help, don't
hesitate. Get it at once. Call your doctor.
If you feel suicidal and are
afraid you might act on it, please call 911, your doctor, a crisis prevention
hotline, or go immediately to your local hospital emergency room. (Our
thoughts on suicide are on page 36.)
You should also seek help at
once if you...
--feel you are "coming apart"
--are no longer in control
--are about to take an action you
may later regret
--turn to alcohol, drugs, or other
addictive substances in time of need
--feel isolated with no one to turn
Please see pages 222 and 223 for
a listing of organizations to call for referrals.
This is no time to "be brave"
and attempt to "go it alone." In fact, asking for help takes enormous courage.
I was much further out
than you thought
And not waving but drowning.
There Is No Need to Suffer
More than eighty percent of the
people with depression can be successfully treated.
Long-term, expensive treatments
are seldom necessary.
Modern treatment for most depression
is antidepressant medication and short-term "talk" therapy--usually just
ten to twenty sessions.
Treatment for depression is relatively
inexpensive but whatever the cost, it is more than made up for in increased
productivity, efficiency, physical health, improved relationships, and
enjoyment of life.
Yes, life will always have its
"slings and arrows of outrageous fortune," and, yes, they will hurt. But
there's no need to suffer from depression as well.
is inevitable.
Suffering is optional
"I Can't Handle Anything Else!"
One of the most common feelings
people with depression have is, "Enough!" "I've had it!" "I can't take
any more."
When we discuss treatment for
depression, it may sound as if we're asking you to add even more to your
already overburdened life. Although it may seem this way, effective
treatment for depression will lighten your load.
Yes, we are asking you to visit
"healthcare professionals," and, yes, a simple suggestion such as "Find
a doctor or psychiatrist who specializes in the treatment of depression"
can seem awfully intimidating.
it will be worth it.
Most people respond to treatment
for depression swiftly usually in a matter of weeks. You may not feel "better
than good" overnight, but the sense of being overburdened, overworked,
and overwhelmed should significantly ease in a short time.
Treatment for depression doesn't
take time, it makes time.
am now the most
miserable man living.
If what I feel
were equally distributed
to the whole human family,
there would be not one
cheerful face on earth.
Whether I shall ever be better,
I cannot tell.
I awfully forebode I shall
To remain as I am is impossible.
I must die or be better
it appears to me.
who suffered
from depression
most of his adult life |
"Why Bother?"
Another common symptom of depression,
as voiced by Hamlet: "How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable seem to
me all the uses of this world!"
Questions such as "Who cares?"
"What's the point?" and "Why bother?" circulate in the mind of the depressed
Unfortunately, this symptom
of depression can keep one from seeking treatment. It becomes a vicious
cycle: as the untreated depression worsens, the person feels that life
is less and less worthwhile. As the person feels that life is less and
less worthwhile, he or she is less likely to seek treatment.
Depression is an illness that
robs one of the meaning of life. Heal the illness. As the depression heals,
enthusiasm, well-being, and a sense of life's purpose will return.
is the feeling
that nothing is worth
while that
makes men ill
and unhappy.
It's Not Your Fault
You didn't do anything to
become depressed.
Your failure to do something
didn't cause your depression.
Depression is an illness.
You are no more at fault for
having depression than if you had asthma, diabetes, heart disease, or any
other illness.
In becoming depressed, you have
nothing to blame yourself for and nothing to feel guilty about. (Although
two of the symptoms of depression are that you probably will blame
yourself and you probably will feel guilty.)
A predisposition toward depression
can be hereditary. In addition, life is full of bumps and potholes--many
of which simply cannot be avoided. It's not surprising, then, if one of
them (or a collection of them) triggers a depressive illness.
So, for heaven's sake, don't
blame yourself. Don't even blame yourself for blaming yourself.
It's not your fault.
is the mafia
of the mind.
It's Not Anybody's Fault
It's not your parents' fault. (If
your depression is Genetic, your parents got it from their parents; their
parents got it from their parents. How far back can blame go?)
It's not your spouse or lover's
It's not your children's fault.
It's not your boss's fault.
It's not society's fault.
It's not God's fault.
No one is to blame.
One of the symptoms of depression
is feeling victimized--"They're doing it to me." Many people seem more
willing to admit that they're oppressed than depressed.
Depression is simply an illness
you somehow got--like low thyroid--which, while serious, is easily treated.
The chances for complete recovery are excellent.
Where your depression
came from isn't important; how to heal it is.
grew up to have
my father's looks,
my father's speech patterns,
my father's posture,
my father's opinions,
and my mother's
contempt for my father.
What Is Depression?
In this book, we will do our best
not to overburden you with technical terms and healthcare jargon. A few
terms, however, are important to know.
First, the word depression
itself. When we speak of depression,
we are speaking of what is medically known as clinical
depression. We're discussing
a specific illness that requires clinical intervention--hence clinical
We are not discussing the pain
that immediately follows loss, or the "down" cycle in life's ordinary ups
and downs.
Nor are we discussing the popular
use of the word depressed,
which usually means disappointed.
("The coffee machine ran out.
I'm depressed.")
When we use depression,
we're talking about a specific medical illness--one with a highly effective
term clinical depression
finds its way into too many
conversations these days.
One has a sense that
a catastrophe has occurred
in the psychic landscape.
The Three Primary Types of Depression
There are three primary forms of
Like the flu, major depression has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Unlike
the flu, major depressions often last for months. Left untreated, they
tend to reoccur. Each reoccurrence tends to last longer and is more debilitating
than the one before.
Chronic depression is a low-grade, long-term depression that can go on
for years. Some people have had it most of their lives. Long-term, low-grade
depression is also known as dysthymia. dys, meaning disorder,
and thymia for mood. Dysthymia, then, is a disorder of one's mood.
Here the lows of depression can alternate with days or weeks of maniaextreme
elation, unreasonably grandiose thoughts, and inappropriate, sometimes
destructive actions. This is also known as bipolar depression, because
the manic-depressive person fluctuates from one emotional pole (down) to
the opposite pole (up) in unpredictable, rapid swings. (By contrast, major
depression is unipolar--it focuses on only one pole: down.)
We'll discuss other types of
depression later. For now, let's take a look at that burning question,
"Am I depressed?"
aggravated agony
of depression
is terrifying,
and elation,
its nonidentical twin sister,
is even more terrifying--
attractive as she may be
for a moment.
You are grandiose
beyond the reality
of your creativity.
who suffered from manic-depression |
The Symptoms of Depression
After careful evaluation, the National
Institutes of Health developed the following checklist:
Symptoms of Depression Can Include:
Persistent sad or "empty" mood
Loss of interest or pleasure in
ordinary activities, including sex
Decreased energy, fatigue, being
"slowed down"
Sleep disturbances (insomnia, early-morning
waking, or oversleeping)
Eating disturbances (loss of appetite
and weight, or weight gain)
Difficulty concentrating, remembering,
making decisions
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness,
Thoughts of death or suicide, suicide
Excessive crying
Chronic aches and pains that don't
respond to treatment
In the Workplace, Symptoms of
Depression Often May Be Recognized by:
Decreased productivity
Morale problems
Lack of cooperation
Safety problems, accidents
Frequent complaints of being tired
all the time
Complaints of unexplained aches
and pains
Alcohol and drug abuse
Symptoms of Mania Can Include:
Excessively "high" mood
Decreased need for sleep
Increased energy and activity
Increased talking, moving, and sexual
Racing thoughts
Disturbed ability to make decisions
Grandiose notions
Being easily distracted
Are You Depressed?
"A thorough diagnosis is needed
if four or more of the symptoms of depression or mania persist for more
than two weeks," say the National Institutes of Health, "or are interfering
with work or family life."
The symptoms on the facing page
are not "just life." If four or more of the symptoms have been a
regular part of your life for more than two weeks or regularly tend to
interfere with your life, a consultation with a physician experienced in
diagnosing and treating depression is in order. You need not suffer any
longer. Treatment is readily available.
"With available treatment, eighty
percent of the people with serious depression--even those with the most
severe forms--can improve significantly," say the National Institutes of
Health. "Symptoms can be relieved, usually in a matter of weeks."
Please talk to your doctor. (And
read on!)
You Can Be Depressed without "Feeling Depressed"
It is unfortunate that the word
depression is used to describe so many different, yet sometimes
overlapping, experiences.
Yes, many people who have clinical
depression feel down, sad, disappointed, and upset. One can, however, feel
all of these emotions ("I'm depressed!") without being clinically
Pain after a loss, for example,
is a natural part of the healing process, not a sign of clinical depression.
(If the pain becomes extremely severe or continues for an unusual length
of time, the loss may have triggered a type of clinical depression that's
known as a melancholy depression. When mourning becomes melancholia,
or if a loss has dealt a severe blow to your self-worth, see your physician.)
On the other hand, some people
do have a clinical depression and do not feel unusual amounts
of sorrow, sadness, or emotional hurt.
Symptoms of clinical depression
insomnia; eating disturbances; physical aches and pains; difficulty concentrating,
remembering, or making decisions. These are not, however, what most people
call "down" or "depressing" emotions.
If in doubt, it is best to get
an objective, outside expert--your physician--to make an accurate diagnosis.
I have secluded myself
from society;
and yet I never meant
any such thing.
I have made a captive of
and put me into a dungeon,
and now I cannot find the
to let myself out.
Seeking Treatment for Depression Does Not Imply a Lack of Character, Discipline,
Common Sense, or Personal Strength
Because of the stigma of depression,
many people think that seeking help implies some sort of personal lack--a
lack that should be overcome by strength, fortitude, or gumption.
This is
not the case.
Seeking help for an illness (any
illness) does not imply a lack of mental, physical, emotional, or moral
To the contrary, it takes great
courage to admit something may be wrong. It is a sign of deep wisdom
to consult professionals, seeking their advice and direction.
pessimist is one who builds
dungeons in the air.