Multiple Sclerosis Abstracts |
41KB |
A large number of abstracts covering all areas of Multiple Sclerosis. The most recent abstracts are still UN-sorted, but the older ones are hyper-linked. |
Autonomic Dysfunction
11KB |
The results of autonomic dysfunction tests show positive correlation to the MRI findings in patients with Multiple Sclerosis. |
Axons 35 KB |
Axons and disability in Multiple Sclerosis. |
13KB |
Urological symptoms can appear even in the early stage of MS. |
BBB 39KB |
The cells, enzymes, and functions of the Blood-Brain Barrier. |
Breathing 30KB |
Respiratory dysfunction in Multiple Sclerosis. |
11KB |
CerebroSpinal Fluid analysis differentiates types of Multiple Sclerosis. |
Childhood MS
10KB |
Multiple Sclerosis in children. |
Clinical Research 23KB |
An overview of clinical trials and new therapeutic treatments for MS. |
Cognition 12KB |
PeriVentricular lesions in MS produce atrophy of the Corpus Callosum & Cognitive Impairment. |
Complement 43KB |
The Complement System. |
18KB |
Neuron transmissions in DeMyelinated Axons. |
11KB |
The benefits of *Cool* on MS Cognitive and Sensory abilities. |
28KB |
Copaxone abstracts and WWW links. |
17KB |
Establishes molecular mimicry between a common Viral Pathogen and Myelin. |
Cytokines 6KB |
Cytokines regulate T-Cell activation by two pathways In MS. |
Diagnosing MS 33KB |
The diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. |
Echinacea 24KB |
How it safely modulates the Immune System. |
Epidemiology 28KB |
Studies on genetic and environmental factors commomly found in MS patients. |
Fatigue 12KB |
MS fatigue intensity and frequency are related and stem from Frontal Lobe DeMyelination. |
Fampridine 40KB |
Assessment of sustained-release 4-AminoPyridine (the generic form of Fampridine) for symptomatic treatment of Gait Spasticity in Multiple Sclerosis. |
Gait 13KB |
Gait abnormalities in Multiple Sclerosis. |
13KB |
Genetic patterns involving HLA-DR & -DQ Class II Genes contribute to MS susceptibility and differing ethnic courses of disease. |
Headache 23KB |
A nonprescription combination of Acetaminophen, Aspirin, and Caffeine are highly effective for the treatment of migraine headaches. |
Hearing 22KB |
Positive correlatons of Auditory, Language and Speech dysfunctions in Multiple Sclerosis. |
Helper T-Cells 35KB |
The role of T-Helper cells and Cytokines in Multiple Sclerosis. |
Histamine 20KB |
Histamine and Procarin in Multiple Sclerosis. |
Immune Cells 31KB |
The CNS regulates Immune Responses. |
17KB |
The rationale for early treatment of Multiple Sclerosis with Interferon: MSers produce less Type 1 IFNs: IFN-alpha & IFN-beta (IFN-ß). |
InterNuclear Ophthalmoplegia 27KB |
InterNuclear Ophthalmoplegia (INO) is one of the NeuroOphthlamologic hallmarks of MS and is present in one third of MSers. |
17KB |
High-dose Intravenous Immune Globulin (IVIg) is important therapy for Neurologic diseases. |
Mast Cells 26KB |
Mast Cells in MS and inflammation. |
11KB |
Possible relationship between the seasonal variations of relapse and the age of onset in MS. |
Mitochondria 34KB |
Abstracts explaining how Mitochondria dysfunction or injury account for part of the NeuroDegeneration seen in the progression of MS. |
32KB |
Promising results on the use of this therapy in treating Chronic/Progressive stages of MS. |
29KB |
Monoclonal studies and investigational therapies used to alter the course of MS. |
MRI 45KB |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in MS. |
MS Mortality 26KB |
Mortality statistics in Multiple Sclerosis. |
Neurontin 16KB |
Gabapentin (Neurontin) appears to ease the intractable pain of reflex sympathetic dystrophy. |
Nitric Oxide
12KB |
Nitric Oxide cause reversible conduction block in both normal and DeMyelinated Axons of the CNS. |
Optic Neuritis 13KB |
Studies to clarify the relationship between Optic Neuritis (ON) and Multiple Sclerosis. |
Pain 17KB |
InterLeukin-1, InterLeukin-6 and Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha, are expressed by cells in the Spinal Cord as a result of nerve injury. |
18KB |
Pregnancy does not increase disability in MS and ImmunoGlobulin treatments decrease the risk of postpartum exacerbations. |
12KB |
Prions recognized as agents that cause a number of infectious, Genetic and spontaneous disorders. |
Proteolipid Protein 11KB |
T-Cells recognize Myelin Proteolipid Protein (PLP) and PLP peptides, in MSers' peripheral Blood. |
Prognosis & Stages 17KB |
Clinical factors of Multiple Sclerosis are analyzed for their validity in assessing its stages and long-term outcome. |
PseudoBulbar Affect 26KB |
The clinical features of PBA, a condition involving involuntary and uncontrollable episodes of crying and/or laughing. |
20KB |
Continuing efforts to enhance and sustain Myelin growth. |
Spasticity 23KB |
Therapies for Multiple Sclerosis Spasticity. |
Speech 22KB |
Language disfunctions in Multiple Sclerosis. |
Steroids 16KB |
GlucoCorticoids (Steroids) in treating MS attacks. |
Stress 14KB |
Stress may contribute to immune changes associated with MS exacerbation. |
Sweating 25KB |
Sweating in Multiple Sclerosis |
Temperature 23KB |
Temperature and conduction block in MS. |
Tremor 27KB |
Tremor and movement disorders in MS. |
Uric Acid 15KB |
Uric acid administration was found to have a strong therapeutic effects in EAE. |
Viruses 20KB |
The implications of MicoOrganisms in MS. |
Vitamin D 10KB |
Vitamin D and the Immune System in Multiple Sclerosis. |
Wallerian Degeneration 35KB |
Diffuse Axonal disfunction and degeneration extends beyond MS lesions, along their projection pathways. |
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