Acupressure Uses the fingers or hands to press, puncture, or heat certain points on the body in order to relieve ailments. The pressure is designed to release energy blocks in the meridians of the body. It was discovered by the Chinese over five thousand years ago.
Two types of self-acupressure techniques. Acupuncture Special needles are inserted into certain points of the body in order to correct and rebalance the flow of vital life energy (also known as qui or chi) , and thereby relieve pain, or restore health.
Alexander Technique Various movements, positions, and "exercises" are used to bring the posture into better alignment so function can be improved and pain reduced. Compression is seen as the adversary of proper posture, so the focus involves lengthening. Amma Therapy (Chinese massage) Applied Kinesiology The muscles are tested, and weakness is then related to specific organ/system function. Aromatherapy/Flower Remedies It involves specialized knowledge of how various essences affect the body and psyche by purportedly altering brain activity. Often combined with massage or esthetics, or used alone, various essences are claimed to be able to affect many physical ailments. Astrology Ayurvedic Medicine It combines natural therapies with a highly personalized approach to the treatment of disease and also places equal emphasis on body, mind, and spirit, and strives to restore the innate harmony of the individual. BioFeedback Training Biofeedback has been particularly successful for learning to modify or reduce stress, relieve pain, control asthmatic attacks, recondition injured muscles, and eliminate headaches. Chelation Therapy It is often used to reverse the process of artherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) or as an alternative to bypass surgery and angioplasty, and can also prevent heart attacks and strokes. It is accomplished by administering chelating agents into the bloodstream which, among other things, increase blood flow and remove arterial plaque. Chinese Medicine Therefore, we are all subject to the same laws that govern nature.The understanding of health, then, begins with an understanding of nature, and the laws that govern it. Principles include the law of yin and yang, awareness and manipulation of life energy (Qi or Chi) which flows through meridians of the body, and the Five Element Theory. Oriental Health systems like Acupuncture, Shiatsu, Acupressure Massage, Macrobiotics, Do-In, and Sotai are based upon Chinese Medicine. Chiropractic The method of work focuses on restoring normal condition by correcting the vertebral segments of the spinal column, which are a primary cause of nerve dysfunction. Central to chiropractic technique is the "adjustment" of the specific spinal vertebra that are out of alignment or subluxated. Colon Therapy (Colonics) The purpose of colonics is to balance the body chemistry, eliminate waste, and restore proper tissue and organ function. Craniosacral Therapy Carniosacral Therapy is gaining acceptance by health professionals worldwide as a successful treatment modality to improve overall body functioning. And treat a range of conditions, from headaches and ear infections, to stroke, Spinal Cord Injury, and Cerebral Palsy. It has been especially successful in treating newborns and infants for common conditions such as earaches, sinus congestion, vomiting, irritability, and hyperactivity. Feldenkrais Method (Awareness thru movement) And re-educate people to become aware of how they move and how they could move differently, in order to reduce stress to muscles, joints and ligaments. The effects of Feldenkrais often include a deep physical and mental relaxation, a new awareness of the body and the ways in which it can move, and the lessening of chronic and acute musculo-skeletal aches and pains. Hellerwork Heller's work is three-pronged: deep connective tissue massage, movement education, and dialogue. Herbs Herbalism An herb can be a leaf, a flower, a stem, a seed, root, fruit, bark, or any other plant part used for its medicinal, food flavoring, or fragrant property. Herbal remedies can be used for a wide range of minor ailments, as well as a number of conditions normally treated by prescription medications. |
Holistic Dentistry Holistic dentistry treats the teeth, jaw, and related structures with special focus on how treatment will affect the entire body. It stresses the use of nontoxic restoration materials for dental work, and focuses on the impact that hidden dental infections and other dental problems can have on overall health. Homeopathy Based on the principle of *like cures like*, these remedies specifically match different symptom patterns of illness, and act to stimulate the body's natural healing response. HydroTherapy Hyperthermia HypnoTherapy Infant Massage Premature babies are especially responsive, and recent studies have proven that the benefits of this technique include weight gain, improvement in Central Nervous System functioning, and enhanced emotional well-being. Jin Shin Jyutsu Macrobiotics This includes special ways of selecting, preparing and eating organically grown, whole, and mostly vegetarian foods to maximize the energy derived from their consumption. The diet consists of mostly a variety of grains, beans, vegetables, sea vegetables, Japanese condiments, and a little fish and seafood. The lifestyle stresses the importance of fresh air, breathing, moderate exercise, balance in life, use of natural products in the home and on the skin, and orderliness and organization in all things. Manual Lymph Drainage This method was developed by Dr. Vodder and there are only a handful of American MLD certified practitioners. Training takes place in Germany, Australia, and Canada. This style of Lymphatic work is especially helpful in instances of abnormal lymphatic congestion. (Lymph is a coagulable fluid that bathes the tissues of our bodies, and consists of mostly White Blood Cells.) Massage Therapy Recent research has proven that massage is therapeutic, and can soothe injured muscles, stimulate Blood and Lymphatic circulation, improve structure and function of the body, increase toxic elimination, and more. Meditation There are many ways to meditate, but the effect is the same: a centeredness, and stillness within. Naprapathy Pracitioners manipulate the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in order to alleviate tension and promote fluidity of motion, and they make recommendations regarding diet. This method resembles chiropractic, but manipulation of the connective tissue is the focus. Other neuromuscular techniques have been added in recent years. There is only one school in the U.S. - Chicago National College of Naprapathy & Clinic. Naturopathic Medicin These methods include nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, hydrotherapy, physical medicine, counseling and lifestyle modification, and minor surgery. NeuroMuscular Therapy (NMT) Skillful palpatory diagnosis is the focus of the work. Osteopathic Medicine Osteopath philosophy is based on the belief that the body cures itself, and doctors should see the relationship between structure and function, with a special emphasis on the musculo-skeletal system. Osteopaths are licensed to adjust the bones of the body, and manipulate the body, and they may also prescribe medications, give injections, and perform surgery. Polarity Therapy One hand is positive, one is negative and the placement of the two hands creates a current, stimulating the energy of the recipient. Some therapists also emphasize a vegetarian diet and polarity yoga. Reflexology By massaging these points, reflexologists are helping the corresponding body part to heal itself by stimulating energy in that area. Rolfing Rolfers ascertain that patterns of imbalance in the body deepen by repetition, and over time, most people are no longer in their vertical axis. These structural changes affect the function of the body, and rolfers seek to integrate the structure for better health. Shiatsu Shiatsu practitioners focus on the pressure points along meridians with the fingers, hands, elbows, knees, or feet. There are various forms of Shiatsu. Some practitioners manipulate the meridians with two hands, or with burning herbs (moxibustion). Therapeutic Touch Therapeutic touch consists of learned skills for consciously directing or modulating human energies by the "laying on of hands" above the body and moving the hands over the body without actual contact, with the intent of working the energy field surrounding the body. Trager Trigger Point/MyoTherapy Yoga Some benefits of yoga are to increase health, vitality, and peace of mind, to lower blood pressure, decrease back pain, decrease menstrual problems, anxieties and stress, decrease and control asthmastic attacks, reduce or omit migraines, and much more. Yoga has been proven to retard the aging process. |
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