Clauda: A tail like appendage. A tail. Caudad: Towards the tail or posterior end. Caudad Equina: The roots of the Upper Sacral Nerves that extend beyond the end of the Spinal Cord, at the first Lumbar Vertebra in the form of a bundle of filaments within the Spinal Canal resembling a horse's tail. Caudal: Situated in or directed toward the hind part of the body. Caudate Nuclius: One of four Basal Ganglia in each Cerebral Hemisphere that comprises a mass of Gray Matter in the Corpus Striatum. Forms part of the floor of the Lateral Ventricle, and is seperated from the Lentiform Nucleus by the Internal Capsule. CerebroSpinal Fluid: A liquid that is comparable to Serum but contains less dissolved material. It is secreted from the blood into the Lateral Ventricles of the Brain by the Choroid Plexus. p109It circulates through the Ventricles to the spaces between the Mennings about the Brain and Spinal Cord, and is resorbed into the blood through the SubArachnoid Sinuses, and it serves chiefly to maintain uniform pressure within the Brain and Spinal Cord.
p250 ForeBrain: Especially the Cerebral Hemispheres and more Caudally, the Thalamus and the HypoThalamus. [See: DienCephalon (TelenCephalon)]. p626Rostrad: Rostral: Rostrum:
Scanning Speech:
Aphasia: |
Any of the four Nerve Tracts of the Spinal Cord that are arranged in pairs with one member of a pair on each side and that ascend to the Thalamus, by way of the BrainStem.
One on each Lateral part of the Spinal Cord that carries Nerve Impulses relating to the Senses of Touch, Pain, and Temperature. Also called Lateral SpinoThalamic Tract.
SpinoCerebellar Tract:
PeriVentricular - situated or occuring around a Ventricle of the Brain, and within the White Matter. Additional Brain Information |
Updated On: 4/22/2004